Because rack extenders are used to reduce “bump steer” without modification the tie rods would cause excessive "toe out", because we need "toe in" so that the car tracks straight the length of the tie rods need to be reduced.

After double checking the measurements each tie rod required approximately 1” to be removed from each end. Although there are many ways to shorten the tie rod I decided to use a hacksaw mainly because there would be no heat buildup, it was also easy to use the jam nut as a guide and support the out end with the rod end.

Caster, camber and toe were roughly aligned, on checking lock to lock travel the inner rear tires rub on the F panel, this will be easily resolved by the use of rack limiters. These small plastic clips are mounted under the rubber gaiter.
The fount suspension and steering is basically now complete, further alignment will occur one the car is dropped from the axle stands and the ride height set.
Fraser, great progress! You are rocking right along! Looking good.